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"Great vision without great people is irrelevant"- Jim Collins 



We get it, hiring is tough :(

Getting to $500k+ ARR & looking to hire your first VP of Sales, but don't know where to start?

Hiring Software Engineers, Data Scientists, & Product folks across levels & need help screening for passion and cultural fit? A C-suite executive to scale operations, & strategy, but no bandwidth to build a high-quality candidate pipeline & coordinate interviews?

At a rocketship witnessing explosive growth (more money, more problems), but need help mapping out hiring priorities?


Need to source a software/dev-ops engineer urgently, but no ATS or in-house recruiter?

Full-cycle recruiting solutions?

We got you :)

Holistic Coaching for Founders & Talent

We're big believers in equipping people to be the BEST VERSION OF THEMSELVES.


Through holistic coaching, we help founders & executive talent understand processes required to alter mindsets, and attitudes to drive transformational change. Mindfulness, meditation, leadership, & authentic communication advice- over the years, we've seen each scenario play out!

We mentor candidates with interview preparation, better-decision making strategies, 

& finding the optimal 'cultural fit and work-life balance.'

Inclusion & Diversity Consulting 

Organizational perception is critical to not only attract and retain top talent, but to also shape the support of early audiences. People are a startup's most important asset, & those who infuse data-driven & qualitative research to advance DEI practices- will drive innovation, creativity, & growth.


This is where we step in :)


Our team typically works with management to identify organization-specific dynamics and barriers to help foster positive impact through measurable strategies.

Whether setting up 1st ATS, re-designing interview processes, or leading unconscious bias/behavioral change workshops, we help our partners create 'winning & sustainable' cultures.

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